My Carveco software warns me that the Carveco folder or Documents folder cannot be found. What should I do?

Carveco software requires access to the Documents folder on your computer, so that files associated with its installation can be read from and stored there. The Documents folder is found in either of the following directory locations on your computer:

  • C:\Users\<Username>\Documents
  • C:\Users\<Username>\OneDrive\Documents

Where <Username> is the username associated with your Windows user account. Whether or not it is the second location depends on if you have OneDrive syncing enabled. See Sync with OneDrive for further details.

A Carveco folder must be created within the Documents folder as part of the software installation process, and this is where files associated with content such as our Relief Clipart Library are stored.

The Carveco Folder

When Carveco has been prevented from creating or is unable to find the Carveco folder in C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\ or C:\Users\<Username>\OneDrive\Documents\ on your computer, a notification message (albeit with slightly different variations) is displayed when starting the software. For example:

CannotFindOrCreate1.png CannotFindOrCreate2.png

In this situation, if you have any Antivirus or Internet Security software (for example, AVG Antivirus or Avast Antivirus) installed on your computer, please shut it down completely, then reinstall and restart your Carveco software.

If completing these steps fails to clear all notification messages regarding the Carveco folder, please submit a new Support Request to request further assistance.

The Documents folder

Where Carveco is unable to find the Documents folder on your computer, a notification message is displayed prompting you to read this knowledge base article. In this situation, please complete the following steps on your computer:

  1. Start Windows Security.
  2. In Windows Security, select the Virus & Threat protection option.
  3. In the Virus & Threat protection settings, select the Manage ransomware protection option.
  4. In the Ransomware settings, ensure that Controlled folder access is toggled off.
  5. Start your Carveco software.

If completing these steps fails to clear all notification messages regarding the Documents folder, please submit a new Support Request to request further assistance.

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