How do I deactivate the Carveco software license on my device?

Deactivating a Carveco software license on a device is a prerequisite for:


Uninstalling Carveco software from a device alone does not deactivate a previously-activated license on that device.

To deactivate the license for either a perpetual or subscription Carveco product on a device:

  1. Start your Carveco software.
  2. Select the Help > About Carveco menu option. The About box is displayed.
  3. In the About box, click Deactivate. The Software Deactivation popup is displayed, explaining the outcome of deactivating your license and including a Get Help link to this article.
  4. Click:
    • Deactivate to deactivate the license on your device. Your Carveco software then software shuts down.
    • Cancel to close the Software Deactivation popup without deactivating the license on your device.


The device on which you want to deactivate the Carveco software license must be connected to the internet for the duration of the process.

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