how to figure out what g-code line part of your carve is at
I created a carve in Maker, and moved it to my Onefinity running Masso. about 1.5 hours in it stopped and would not recover. I was not able to see what g-code line it was at. Is there a way in Carveco to determine what line of g-code part of a carve is? I am trying to avoid running my machine for another 1.5 hours carving Air. Any other suggestions are greatly apricated.
Thank you,
About how far along was it?
In the control software I use I can jump to a location by percentage points. It's pretty cool that way, some of my files are rather long, like 4/5/6 hours, so if I have to get something or go some where (bad policy to do it this way) and I let it run but it stops about 1/3 of the way through, when I come back the spindle is running but the bit is just spinning (or the thing busted) I restart then Jump to about 1/3 of the way through, as long as I get close before it stopped or bit busted I don't have to worry too much.
I know that not all control software has that but look and see or contact the people who you got your router from and ask.
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