Carveco Maker - have flat area at top of top part/top of material - is getting machined.
I imported a STEP file that has a good portion of the part that is perfectly flat and exactly at the top of the material. Why is Carveco machining this surface? It shouldn't be and I can't figure out how to keep it from machining it. If I try a workaround by using an offset, it helps the surface quality, but it still has all the machining tool paths over that surface, instead of ignoring it since the tool is outside the material. I wouldn't really want to use this workaround anyway because all the rest of the part will have the offset as well. Also, the edges around this surface should be sharp but they're getting rounded off. I am trying to machine a mold layer by layer but finding it difficult because of this.
Are there some other controls I haven't found to deal with this? This is really frustrating.
Have you tried to mill between vectors yet? (Inside) You have an area that you do not want cut make another vector for that area, rerun the toolpath so it cuts inside the vectors, here are 4 photos (screenshots) one is the WHOLE relief, one is of just the outside vector (line) of the relief, one is of an inside shape that I didn't want to be milled so I selected 2 vectors and ran the toolpath, and one is just the relief.
Hope this helps.

Thanks Michael - yes, I thought of trying that. After finally figuring out how to automatically get a vector at the boundary of the area I don't want to machine, I told it to machine outside that area but it only selects raster and then tells me I can't use it. I guess I'll have to enclose a vector boundary around the area I do want to machine and try that.
Update - got it to work by defining a region with vectors and machining inside that region.
Thanks Michael!
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