
Final pass when profiling

When setting up the Profiling toolpath in Carveco Maker, is there a way to switch bits between the roughing pass and the final pass? I would like to use an upcut bit when roughing and then use a compression bit for the final pass. I use a 0.03 allowance which would allow me to trim off any of the split-out with the compression bit. I see a separate tool path labeled [LP], but I do not see a way to edit it.

Thank you



  • Super easy, run one but leave about .100 depth, then run another last with the compression bit but at full depth.

    I would make a different vector about .04" bigger then the part or a little more around the part you're cutting out run the first one, then follow the vector that's the size you want. The .04" is to keep passable problems of chip-out at bay, the compression bit at full depth will clean it all up.


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  • Michael Sherve Thanks for this. I was anticipating you were going to say this. I was just trying to determine if there was a way with using the system configured toolpath or if I was going to have have to just configure one manually.

    Sounds like manual it is....

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  •  I have used this technique for a while now, very seldom does it let me down.


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