
New to CNC

I upgraded from a scroll saw which I still enjoy but wanted to move up. I have a SainSmart 4040 PRO.

I'm learning the bits first and what they do; so far so good. I received a subscription to Carveco Maker. I was using Easel but can't figure out where to put my bits in. Anyway, in Carveco Maker, is there a place to put my bits in? 



  • John,

       The bits are used in the toolpathing of your model, be it 2D or 3D, I wouldn't worry about those too much yet, but if you wanted to see them then draw a line a circle or a square using the vector tools then over on the RT. fly-out or rather for a new software set-up it'll be in the menu bar at the top, the drop-down menu starts out with  "material set-up" then it'll go down to "new 2D toolpath" then "3D toolpath" next in these you will have the option of different types of toolpaths once you click on it you'll get a fly-out in the fly-out you'll see a folder image I think it has a end mill on it too, anyway click it you'll have chance to select multiple different bits (or end mills), there are a lot to choose from Carveco does a great job at that so you don't rally have to put much in unless you are ordering a different size (and it's easy to put them in)


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  • Hi John Dixon,

    You can find a SainSmart tool library (as well as other tool libraries) available for download in the following knowledge base article: How can I add a tool library to the Tool Database in my Carveco software?

    Please watch the following demonstration video available from our Carveco Training portal: Tool Database

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

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