
How to fix vectors that are too close and or cross each other

I have imported a bitmap into Carveco Maker, used the Bitmap to Vector tool. I tried using the Vector Doctor tool. I went through and deleted all the small vectors that are created. But the problem I am running into is that each of the 5 colors of the bitmap made its own vector and now I have parallel vectors, and vectors that cross over. I am not able to cut the vectors because then I lose parts that I need. I am new to this, have a bunch of ideas but am getting stuck on what I think should be a quick process. Not sure how to add a file so I am adding an image:

Thank you



  • Zachariah,

       start first to make a new vector layer name it, this just in case something screws up, rt click on one of the lines and go to where it says to move to a new layer or one you made, now you can hide one or the other, no seance in deleting something that you made until you are ready. The one you move you can fix it by deleting some nodes and or ....??????


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  • Hello Zachariah,

    As Michael suggested, keep an archive of these vectors (maybe duplicate the Vector layer) in case you need to go back, as well as to fix the vectors by adjusting the nodes (Node Editing tool), cut and join the vectors as you like.

    Another solution that could be less time consuming, depending on the image's complexity, is to design the vectors from scratch..

    Bitmap to Vector command is really helpful, however it works better with 2-color images, but again it depends on the design and needs. Feel free to share the image you're working on, if you like, in case of more suggestions and ideas.


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