Can't fillet after offsetting
I just got Carveco Maker, and am trying to set up a few projects to carve. I have a triangle that is 22" by 15" will filleted tips. I offset this inwards by 1.9" The offset is a triangle with sharp points. I try to use the Fillet Vectors tool and nothing happens. I expected the offset to be filleted like the original vector. If I offset to the outside that is what I get. I can't imagine that it is too small.
How can I get the tips of the triangle filleted? Is there a way to break the offset into parts i.e. the explode function in AutoCAD?
Thank you for your help,
I have continued to play around with the Fillet Vectors tool, now I am getting the error message: Error creating fillet, make sure radius is not too large and that the lines are not parallel.
I am trying everything from .05, .25, .5, .75, .875, 1, 1.25, 1.5 and 2 inch radius. I am also clicking so that I get the blue star like curser to locate on the vector. Some times I get the black box with vertical line for a cursor, but when I click I get the error message above.
I think I figured out my issue.
I was clicking too close to the tip of the triangle.
Out of curiosity, in Carveco Maker, can you transform your vectors? Using the Transform tool? Looking at the Vector tools (sorry, I have all the icons on the side fly-outs) it'll be the third one down vertically from the left. In the usage of this tool, you can transform the size of your vector without all the new nodes that the Offset Vectors tool will introduce, or you can shrink or enlarge your vector using nodes with the arrows on your keyboard (rather handy). You might want to give this a try. If you want to keep the original vector, all you have to do is right-click and select Copy, then after you resize the vector to the dimension you want, do the same then select Paste, or you can just press Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V.
Small hints for you.
I could transform the vector yes.
I was able to get them all to fillet, i just had to click the vector below. or away from the intersection far enough that the fillet would not cut more than where I had clicked.
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