Please help
I have a 3d relief which is a *.stl. I have brought it into Maker+ and I am trying to put text on the 3d relief. My relief is a police badge and I want to carve text in the placed on the badge such as unit number, name etc... I can not figure our how to form the text around the 3d image as the badge is thicker in the middle and thinner on the edges.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance
You have the shape editor right? You will need to merge high, not add, subtract or anything but merge high.
Place your vectors (your font) where you want then open the shape editor add the height you need to get above the surface of your stl. making sure you merge high.
This should do it.
Ive tried that and it does not seem to work. I am sure I am just doing something wrong.
This is my relief. I want to carve the letters and numbers in the relief. When I rotate my image around the letters appear to be floating above the relief and in a flat plane. I would like to make them curve around the rounded face of the relief and be carved in the relief. When I run the simulation the text does not appear. Below is the look i am going for.
Thanks again
V-grooved right? This is how that's done------- 1) run your relief toolpath first 2) run a toolpath for a 60% v-bit (if you're wanting to v-groove it) by choosing the lettering. Now if you are not wanting to v-groove the letters but want those babies to be recessed run a separate toolpath for those by giving a spec. depth, wait a min. I do believe you could run engraving toolpath with a ballend, It's been a while since I have had to run those things.
The cool thing is these v-groove toolpaths will give a specific depth even on a curved surface.
Hi Jason Fields,
Please watch the following demonstration video as this shows how to project a calculated toolpath onto a curved relief when working in Carveco Maker+: Transforming Toolpaths
Thanks for your time and consideration.
I have a friend who is law enforcement and would like me to create a badge plaque like these. What is the file type I need to aquire and typically who or where in the department would I have my friend aquire this file from? I know it would be similar to the file used to create screen printing for T-shirts and hats and such.
My thought is that I will have to create multiple layers, as in one for each set of details in the design, is this correct?
Any help is greatly appreciated
Thank you
So, I purchased the 3D file from pinterest. I then just modified the file after watching the video mentioned above to add the additional info.
If you are making yours from an SVG then yes, you would have to build the 3d layer. There are videos describing that as well.
He should be able to ask for a file of the badge. Most department have those files for letterhead, promo products and items to give to kids.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for your reply Jason, yes I will have to create this from scratch specifically for his department. Is the file type I am looking for an SVG file?
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