
  • Hi Michael,

    Sorry, but it is not currently possible to remove files from the Recent Models list.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

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  • Mike,

       Do you mean from the stuff that shows when you first open up Carveco? The stuff you or someone else was working on???

       If this was what you're talking of, one big easy is to make a new folder name it what ever you want then move all the files you don't want to see to that. Next when you start up Carveco try to open each one, the obvious thing here is they will not open because carveco can't find it it will ask you if you would like delete the reference for it.


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  • Good one Mike. You just proved that it is possible to teach an old dog (me) new tricks, and that support does not know everything (but I must say that they do know a great deal). Thanks.

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  • Barry,

        I got frustrated looking for a file, just one file, for the life of me I could not find the blasted thing, So I decided it was time to put birds in a bird folder, butterfly's in a butterfly folder, flowers in a flower folder, ect..   Took about 3 hours but I got everything straight in readily viewable folders, no longer do I have to look and look for a file that I can not see (saying and grumbling words) (over looking at its best). It still is a problem but not near what it was, I still have a lot of junk, a lot of files that are either some of my first ones, ones that I have to finish, or fix. Now when I make a new file it goes in the model folder until I get it done then in to it's specific folder.

        Thanks for the compliment


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  • Will try that too, been a stone in my shoe for a long time now

    Thanks Mike

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  • William, and Barry,

       Here's another little thing I do, now that I've been cutting things out, making toolpaths for a few years, I, every year make a new folder to house my new toolpaths, this year it's 2021, last year it was 2020, the thing with doing it this way you can go back to the year you made the product and fix or change what you need to do if the need arises (and the cool things since we have gotten layers I never delete all the layers, I keep them, just in case I need to make the stuff again), now because this is the start of the year I bring all the toolpaths I need to cut into this years' folder, they still have the customers name and date on it but they are easy for me to find.


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  • Another good one Mike, thanks.

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  • Hi Michael Jordan,

    When working in Carveco Maker+ Version: 1.25 Build: 2021-10-12-0742-44298394 (released on October 13th 2021), you can remove entries from the Recent Models list by clicking the x icon in the top-right corner of the shaded background enveloping the file name and path:

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

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  • I am new to the game but what I have done is created a spread sheet and when I get a model to were I am happy I move it to a folder I want and include a P/N in the name.  I enter the P/N; name; and disk path in the spread sheet.  An extra step -  but if someone gives you a name or P/N it is easy to search and find the model location for use again.

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