My Maintanence Time is up

Hi all I am truly sad to say with covid 19 killing business I am barely able to pay the rent for my shop. I am truly considering not renewing my lease which ends in September. March through part of June we came in and watched the entire series of "The Beverly Hillbillies", "Mark Wiens" food travel and just for Gags. I hope it will still be possible for community support. You guys/gals have been a great help Knowing you were always there to help even when I was a pain in your side. I am truly sad and I have cried more than once over this. I just can't renew at this time.

This may be my last post here

if you want to reach me my email




  • Completely understand, it has hit everyone hard!

    Just because you don't have maintenance doesn't mean you cant be part of the community Evonne ;)

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  • Oh yes do not be a stranger!!


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