Manipulating stl files
Ok so only videos I saw was importing stl and using clipart library but once either of those are selected seems once the get set they cant move. The import I can center but I want other stuff in the design. Can I flip the image? can I rotate it? move it around my work piece to a different position
I ended up created words first but again can not find any tutorial help on selecting the praying hand to move to position. Would also like to flip the hands so fingers facing the words
Hi Michael, what format are the files that you are importing? Or where have you got them from? Only asking because you could get around this by putting them in the relief clipart library if they are saved as rlf. You would then be able to do what you wish, move, change size and mirror.
If not, then you need to do it all within that dialog window, resize and only paste down when you are completely happy. For the hands, there is a mirror checkbox under "Rotate model about an axis"
Here is a video that deals with importing 3D models although it only imports one -
Are the hands on the same layer as the words? Regardless you need to create a vector around the hands in order to select them. Once you have done that cookie cut them and move them as required, then paste them in place. Its easier to do this (IMO) when the component parts are on different layers but not hard to do even if on the same layer.
Think that this is using Maker, Barry, so there will not be any relief layers or the cookie cutter.
I am using Maker. This is an stl file that was purchased. Leighton I have watched all the videos I found it seems they only deal with importing them and changing size and depth. I have tried using add clip for relief library but it wont show this file as an option
Barry yes they are I have tried to create a layer for the words and or hands separate but it just wont allow me to select them
Michael, if you send over the stl’s that you have to I will record a video to show you how to change positions and mirror. Would you mind if I used it as a tutorial as I also had another person today asking me how to do this?
I do not use maker so I may be wrong about your ability to do the following.
Save the hand layer as a rlf file.
Clear that layer or create a new layer to import the saved file to. If you do the latter be sure to turn off the existing hand layer.
Import the file and make whatever changes you need to make to it and then paste in place to the new layer.
Leighton I created support under heading manipulating stl and added the 2 files, I appreciate you help and also as mentioned by barry making an stl file into a clipart if that can be done as well
Hi Michael,
You cannot attach files to your Community posts. We suggest that you upload your files using the free WeTransfer service and share your download link here. Otherwise, please do as Leighton has suggested and submit a new support request and attach your files when doing so. You can find directions on how to submit a support request in the following knowledge base article in our Help Centre: How do I submit a support request?
Thanks in advance for your time and cooperation.
Michael, once the model is in Maker it is no longer an stl file. All you need to do is go to "Relief", "Export" and save it as a rlf file. Then, go to "Relief", "Import" and select the saved file. Make whatever changes you need to make and then paste the model into your new layer.
Hi Barry,
You do not have relief layers in Carveco Maker and you cannot export a relief either. We've previously provided you with instructions here on how to run your Carveco software as Carveco Maker, so please test your recommend steps in advance of sharing them with the Community to avoid any potential confusion.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
so when I import an STL file you are saying with this program I am 100% bound to that file and I can not add lettering to it and machine it as one piece? So I will need to create 2 different projects, then when I machine it hope I measure correctly so the 2 projects line up on the same work piece?
Barry I figured out that I can not select the STL file to move it around the work area I have to manually move it using the position and just keep changing the numbers until I find the right location
You don't need to do two projects Michael. You just need to get them in the correct position before pasting them down as then there is no going back. I would save before pasting each one down so you have at least a moment in time to go back to.
You can machine them all in one go not a problem.
Leighton I sent over the stl file using wetransfer to support. I did figure out that you need to manually type the numbers of the position to move it. I also created the words first set at depth of .12 inches then set stl to .12 inches moved to position but when I pasted that the words disappeared leaving just the stl as my project like the stl over wrote my project and I believe just milled out the letters flat to accommodate the stl file
I'm just uploading a couple of video's I done for support to send over Michael. Had a bit of a problem with your file due to the text being on a dropped platform so when the model is pasted down, it wipes this out as you have said. So, I don't have this (assuming it is from a grayscale), I think you should be able to import the text again and it be ok.
If you are still stuck, send over the text (as image or stl?) and I'll have another look ;)
What I suggested was for future usage of stl files, I have a lot of them and I have found it's easier to find and bring in clip-art then it is to remember the name of the stl where in carveco all you have to do is look at your files, oh there it is wa-la presto we have the clip-art to use by visual. Plus even in maker you have more (easier) ability to manipulate the file all with the usage of the letter "T". I think Mike (even all who use maker) could benefit from the use such short-cuts and ideas, and like using of the control button. Since they don't have all the tools that we who have the full version, anyway just my view. Am glad for your input, Hope for a full day of wonder.
Haven't seen any videos but just tried again and the letters disappear. This is not my only issue I have tried a few projects none seem to be working. I am just fed up and will be cancelling my Carveco subscription
Thank you for your time in trying to help
Hi Michael,
Michael Jones wrote: "Haven't seen any videos"
A download link to retrieve two demonstration videos and a modified copy of your moms prayer file was sent to you on Wednesday 1st April 2020 as part of support request #1807. Unfortunately, you have not replied to that support request since Tuesday 31st March 2020.
We recommend that all customers frequently check the inbox of their registered email address for correspondence from whenever a support request is created.
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