
Cannot nest "open" vector


i have an issue nesting "open" vectors: Our normal workflow requires us nesting open vectors inside parts all the time, but when i select those pieces along with others, the nesting returns "one or more vectors are open"(which is correct and will remain as such).

the piece on the bottom with the lines, each line will have a specific bit profile toolpath which must remain open.

If i deselect "group inside and outside vectors"(even if the piece is already grouped) it nests other piece on top



  • Hi Guillermo,

    I'm not an expert regarding toolpaths... but this info might help!

    When the window is open, click the little question mark on the top right, and all info will be displayed. Then, if you read carefully the top first paragraph, it's written that nesting refers to 'cut-out' parts and that each part needs a vector outline. 

    So, as far as I understand, nesting doesn't work with open vectors (no cut-outs, no outlines)... and you will need to find another solution I'm afraid..


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  • You might try to off-set the vectors by about .002" then join the vectors with a curve, or a straight line, once you have them joined then run the nesting again. This is just a trick to see it through.When I use the nest I want to cut things out so there isn't any open vectors, when you nest it's for parts, if you have parts with open vectors the software is saying something is wrong and wont cut it, this is in my view. And in the help menu that Elina put there it even says parts, if you have open vectors that you want to profile one way it's best to set those things manually.


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  • Elina,

    The parts are cut out, they have a closed vector outline(a rectangle) that will be profiled, as you can see in my capture, none of the parts have open outlines.

    The "open vectors" can be inside the part.

    This still does not explain why it's nesting over a closed vector, i guess i should open a support case for this.


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  • Hi Guillermo,

    I understand what you're saying... However, it's quite clear that nesting doesn't work with open vectors. So, since you really need to keep these open vectors, then I'd suggest to follow Mike's advice: To set these separately and manually. 

    Of course, there might be something we're missing, so yes, maybe it's better to open a support case!

    Hope you solve this..


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  • Guillermo,

       Might I suggest one thing that you might try.

        If you close the vector with a line (straight) then group your vectors run the nesting, then where ever that line is (in node editing) select the vector then find the straight line part highlight it and hit the "D" key on your keyboard, I know it's a little more work but it will not take that long besides you'll have to select it again to run the toolpath (I am assooommmmmming here).

      I would offer to take a look at your work but if I were you it'd give me the willllllies.


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