How to place a relief in a already positioned pocket?
Hi All,
Got into a jam today trying to figure out how to use the software to accomplish a goal.
I have rectangle vector with an area clearance toolpath to make it 1/2" deep.
The material is 3/4" thick.
On the bottom of the pocket, I'm trying to place a clipart relief from the Clipart Library.
Specifically, the design named 'bird'.
How can I place this on the bottom (that is physically already cut in the machine) so that it is only 0.100" in height and should span from -0.500" to -0.600" in the vertical direction (assuming the top is 0")?
Selecting the blue clipart and pressing 't' gets the transform form. I can set the Z Range there for the height (0.100") but there isn't any setting for where in the z-plane it needs to go.
I think there must be a sequence of steps but not finding them after a whole afternoon.
Any suggestions appreciated, thanks!
This what you're after?
You will notice that I changed the way I set a relief in (in the cookie cutter) I changed it to add instead of merge-high it's set to add, I did this in case you can't have multiple layers, if you can just put it on a new layer, you can choose how the layers react with each other (add, merge, etc.) (I use the full version of carveco). If you or if I didn't answer your question please point it out.Thanks
Thanks for the ideas Mike!
I'm only using Maker, so I don't think it includes the 'cookie cutter' tool but looks interesting!
What I ended up doing was as in the original post, set the relief height to 0.100" before pasting it.
Then I remembered something from one the many videos I watched where it was mentioned that the material setup offsets were only for the models. So I set that to 0.500" Top Offset and like magic the relief was in the right spot vertically.
I ran the job today and it did stay in the assigned boundaries, i.e. didn't cut through the bottom and ruin it. All in all it was a good experience!
I did forget to turn the power on my workbench and the laptop ran all the way down to 0 on the battery. The good part was the job had finished running first, a super excellent stroke of luck indeed!
That's super cool, I remember running my first job, I was stoked to the max.
When you bring in a file it'll be blue (I think) you should have the option on how to paste the thing in, either merge high or to add (can't remember the exact nomenclature) but if you add and it's over another file or work that you've done (sharp edges) you will have those telegraph through if you merge it'll be smoother, I'll do you a pic tomorrow (if I can remember).
I'm trying to find out how to run "maker" and the "plus" so I know what I'm talking about (to give clear, correct and concise point (so as to not lead astray)
Okay I said I would add some pics (screenshots) on the way to add a file (I said cookie cutter, they are both the same thing , but you may not have it to move files around, just to paste once) on one of the pics you will see there are 2 sections of this tool one is sizing the other give you other options, in other pics you will see what happens when you choose the wrong one.
What the tool looks like when it pops open for you so you can change sizes
The option to choose what you want
The choice of add
what happens when you choose add
the choice of merge high
merge high
Thanks Mike!
I'm not sure that any of that would work for me as the pocket is a vector that gets milled out and is not a relief itself.
Anyhow, it's done and looks nothing like the preview, but I cut the runtime down to four hours instead of year it originally wanted.
But it did in the expected boundaries and I count that as a win for sure!
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