New to CNC and need some help. Located in New Orleans area
I am very new to CNC's and Carveco and would like to meet someone in my area near New Orleans to learn from. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
Ray, I'm in the PNW (Seattle area) What help do you need, You can always ask here, I'm sure someone will answer (hopefully).
I am very new in doing CNC work and can't even figure out how to get started with something as simple as carving my name into a piece of wood. I'm sure I'm missing a very simple step but can't figure it out.
Which variant are you using, and what are you having difficulties with that's setting you back.
Is it the text? Is it making it raised? V-grooved.
There are thing that I can do, like point you out to videos that'll walk you step by step through some steps to help.
Do you have the Text? (first step, I do believe).
Next is setting what you wish.
I'll pay more attention for when you respond.
Is this what you're after. I work with the full version of Carveco (not Maker or the Plus side of things) So a lot of what goes on in Maker and Maker Plus is totally different than what I use so for me this is a learning curve also, since I am all up to date I can share what can be done by Mr. Ignorant, it ain't too bad. Had to watch a video or two to get up to date on how to use the program but what the hey (hay). Like I said before, well if you want to know the steps I used just let me know.
Any help would be appreciated such as pointing me to any video's. I do like what you created so if you're willing to provide the details on the steps you took, that would be awesome. It would at least give me a starting point.
I really appreciate you spending time with me.
Okay be prepared for a lone one, It takes longer to explain than to do.
1) Open (I think you're using maker so I'll use it) Maker, model size is 7 inches in "Y" and 15 inches in "X".
2) Make a rectangle I used 6.5 by 14.5 I inverted the corners with an inch.
3) press F9 on the keyboard (this centers the vector, the rectangle).
4) highlight the baby (you have 2 choices 1 use the offset vector tool or to copy then shrink both the x and y dimensions (I used the later) so now my rectangle is 5 by 13, next paste back in the outside rectangle that you copied by rt clicking in the model space and finding the word PASTE (oop didn't mean to cap)
5) Go to the text tool, chose which ever font you like I used Arthur text, type what you want, after typing you can "F9" it to center then you can use the "Transform" tool to change it to your liking. Just make sure you group all the text together, then you can place those anywhere you wish (I centered them).
6) Next I selected both inside and outside vectors (rectangles) went to toolpaths selected the "Profile" went and selected the along, selected the round over bit 7504 set the depth of .18 Go Down to the area that defines your material thickness I used .75 and I chose top of material for the "Z", run it.
7) next I selected the letters (do not have the rectangles selected) choose the toolpaths again "Profile" same bit but only .12 deep this time run it.
8)Next chose the inside rectangle and the letters then chose "Area Clear" toolpath Go down to the box and select 2 bits I used an 1/8 and a 1/16" set the depth I used .4 run it.
8) select outside vector only select your profile bit of choice (I just used an 1/8 with a depth of cut of .1 for each pass) Oh and use "Bridges" I used .5 long by .25 thick, if you don't then use an onionskin thickness of .05, in other words depth of cut on a .75 thick board shouldn't be anymore than .70 deep.
I think I have it all, there is a fantastic video that that Leighton did here I watched it (really a few of them) because I use the full bull the one with everything that you can imagine to use to make and cut what you want with ease and this is the one of the few time I used maker.
I think I said it all if not please respond if I missed anything or if I confused you, with me everything is second nature if anything moves I struggle quite a bit because it isn't automatic.
I really appreciate you taking time to put this together. Weather is supposed to bad this Saturday which will give me time to give this a try and I'll keep you posted
On a side note, I working for AT&T wireless for many years and one of positions brought to Redmond town center. We moved to Duvall and my office was in Bothell. We weren't there long, but enjoyed living there.
Kind of funny in '77 I went through New Orleans on a Harley, got a $54.73 ticket (kind of hurt) that was my food for the next week. Was a kid acting big, now I'm old and don't go to too many places. Thanks for the jaunt down memory lane much needed laughter.
Say if you want the file I did I can give it to you.
Gotta love Louisiana's finest. I'll let you know if I need the file. I looking at the some of the training videos and going to give a shot this weekend
When I got pulled over way back then 5 cops got out of one car. I was booking about 80 (I know speed limit was 55 but it was 1, dark and I was the only one on the freeway (I was guilty) when I saw the lights I shut down the bike and pulled off the road, and those boogers started down the road as I sat there, they then started to back up (it's illegal to back on the freeway, hahahahaha) when they got to me (ouch) I had to follow them to pay the bucks, like I said it still brings a humorous attitude to me.
Have you been able to do some modeling yet?
Hi Mike,
Thanks for checking in. I'm slowly getting there. I Was able to write my name, but still need to learn more about x/y speed movement, start points, and other settings because it came out really choppy. I need to spend some dedicated time with videos while working with the software. I was planning on doing just that during freakish blizzard we got last week but I was fixing neighbors pipes. I'm going to take a couple of days off and hunker down on it because I think I'm close and excited about making something. Thanks for checking in and I'll keep you posted
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