Adding or getting a license for this AI technology

This is the one that Dan alluded too.

I have been playing with the hugging face one because I can't get the thing installed on my pc.

I think this would be a great addition to Carveco, I don't know how it would work on my pc, because there seems to be quite a few artifacts to the importing of the grayscale images it produces, the ones it produces show promise though

a 2d drawing (didn't come out too bad, just a little bit of sculpting work and it could be a nice model, though the brim on the hat would need some other work but still.





    This is a pic of a bright red flower (rose) using the same sight, do think it's worth a look see.


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    This shows the artifacts real clear, they can be fixed by the sculpting tools, like I said really worth a look see.


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  • Hi Mike,

    just out of curiosity.. could you share the initial pictures that were converted to a relief?

    To be honest, I haven't experimented with AI at all (yes.. still thinking about it)! That's why I'm really curious to see the original pics and how much difference there is between AI and Carveco's Create Relief (from bitmap) tool..

    Also, in my opinion as a designer, most of the times I find easier to model something from scratch than adjusting an existing relief.. don't you agree?



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  • I don't have a problem with that. The rose for some reason doesn't want to come in, sorry.


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  • Okey, I see!! Now I get it... many thanks for these mike!

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  • There are a lot of things this doesn't do, there are a bunch of things that are a lot faster to do the tools that in Carveco faster and best, this last week has been real slow for me so I've been playing with this and found all of this, but it would, I believe be a great addition to Carveco.


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