Overlapping vectors
Newish user here. I've drawn a very simple item in Carveco Maker and I get the all the errors when I try to toolpath it. I know there are no over laps etc. When I use the Vector Doctor it identifies a bunch of issues but they are not fixable. Even a plain circle has errors. What's going on? Is it the settings? Quite frustrating.
Try to copy,(rt click on the highlighted vector) then delete one vector at a time, if it deletes the vector completely then paste it back on. I'm thinking you have more than one set of vectors, that's why I said to do this, if this doesn't work then try the node editing trick, hit "n" on your keyboard then highlight one node at a time hitting the "d" key if there's another vector under that puppy it'll stay put (you will see what the problem is.).
If this doesn't help you let me know.
Thanks for that. I triple checked that there are no doubled up vectors. Looked at the nods and can't see anything odd.
i think i found the problem. When i trimmed the lines to the curve they no longer touched, which seems odd. I joined them and now it works. Also just discovered that I can't fillet a staight vector and a curved one.
That's cool, you found the problem and discovered something you'll need later.
Have a good one.
Hi Laurence,
It's true Vector Doctor is a bit sensitive. Next time, try changing the Tolerance.
Regarding the Fillet tool, it only works on straight lines and arcs, not polylines. What you need to do is to convert your polylines to lines and arcs and then Fillet. There are 2 ways to do this:
1 - Select the polyline and use the Arc Fit Vectors command.
2 - Select the polyline, then Node Editing. Bring the mouse cursor on the curve ad press A on the keyboard. That will convert the segments (from node to node) into an arc.
Now Fillet will work fine! Just careful not to have any nodes very close to the angle you need to fillet otherwise you'll get error messages..
Hope that helped!
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