Machine Relief - Finishing Options - Do multiple z passes
I have a question about the "Do Multiple Z Passes" option. Is this setting checked by default, and has it always been? I primarily work on 3D jobs and don’t recall ever adjusting this option before.
Last month, I completed a large carve using Maker+ without any issues. Today, I’m using Maker to carve the number "17" (5"x5", 0.6" thick) from a 0.75"-thick board. However, I noticed some unusual behavior:
- The toolpath calculation took an abnormally long time.
- The simulation showed the roughing pass working correctly, but the finishing pass only cut air above the material.
Upon inspection, I saw that "Do Multiple Z Passes" was checked, with the settings to start at Z 0.6" and finish at Z 0. I changed it to start at Z 0 and finish at Z -0.6", which worked but drastically increased the carving time—from just over 30 minutes to over 6 hours (possibly 12 hours, though I can’t recall exactly).
Finally, I decided to uncheck the "Do Multiple Z Passes" option. After doing so, everything worked as I’m used to.
Could you confirm whether this option is enabled by default? If so, has this always been the case?
Thanks for your help!
I want to add that when I open an older project with a working toolpath, it simulates perfectly. However, if I click "Edit" on the toolpath and recalculate without making any changes, the issues described above occur again:
If this option is now the default, is there a way to disable it as the default setting? How do I use this option correctly?
Thanks again for any help.
How about a work around?
I usually run 2 finish toolpaths when cutting out raised reliefs, like a 1/4 ball end then a 1/8 ball end or a 1/16, it all depends on if I'd snap the 1/16. Running 2 finish toolpaths takes less time for me.
Say could you take a screenshot of the finish toolpath, not the running of it but the setting up of it, I looked at mine but didn't see the multitude of passes in the finish pass.
I created a video (about 6 minutes) of my screen while setting up a carve. The "Do Multiple Z Passes" is automatically checked and the values are automatically entered after I select the finishing bit. I uploaded the video to Dropbox. Hopefully, I did it correctly.
I find that rather interesting, I have a screenshot of mine, you can see I don't have the slices when it comes to the finishing toolpath but I do have it with the roughing toolpath, totally interesting.
Okay, I bad I wasn't using raster classic, I was using raster. In raster classic you have the option of doing multiple "Z" passes, sorry to have you go through all of that.
Shoot, I don't think I would be using that unless I had a whole lot to hog off.
Just realized when I don't bounce around a lot I loose out in the knowledge category.
Thank you for setting me straight, I wouldn't use that unless I had a lot to take off. I think windows some how click stuff in programs or it some how changes stuff so we have to verify all the time, maybe that's my conspiracy theory anyhow.
If you notice the arrow next to the words "raster classic" you can change the machining type, there are a few, some are kind of interesting to use, just push that arrow to choose "raster"
Raster Classic is the only strategy available
Since I normally use Maker+, and this is the first time I’ve encountered this issue, maybe this is how Maker functions—I don't know
Hi Lonnie Clark,
Please watch the following demonstration video available from our Carveco Training portal: Machining Reliefs
We do not suggest that you create a Machine Relief toolpath with the Do Multiple Z Passes check box selected; it should be deselected.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
I don’t think my question was answered. I’m trying to figure out why it automatically selected 'Do Multiple Z Passes' when I created a new toolpath. The same thing happened when I tried to edit an old toolpath—it automatically selected 'Do Multiple Z Passes.' I’ll try reinstalling it when I get back to my shop.
I do appreciate all the input.
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