Relief clipart from Carveco Maker+'s Relief Clipart Library appears washed out when I increase its size
The relief clipart from Carveco Maker+'s Relief Clipart Library is washed out when I increase its size. When I first paste it into a model, it is very tiny. When I make small size increases, I can see that it has a lot of detail, then when I increase it to the size of the model area, for example 10" x 10", it looks washed out and has very little detail. What am I doing wrong?
When you bring in a file you have some choices to make, one of those is "Z" height, ,or rather range you can add to that or you can have the software do it for you automatically you just have to have the lock set as though its locked, I'll give you an example with 3 pics one is a small file one is the same file but bigger and the last one is with allowing the software to change the "Z" height in correlation to the changes in x and y size, look at the lock on the right to verify what I'm saying.
TY Michael, I will give it a try !!
No problem Mark.
Hope it's what you needed to know.
Hi Michael,
That worked like a charm!!!! Many thanks. Best wishes to you and family for the holidays !
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