Downloading Vectors

I've tried numerous times to download vector files from many different web sites. None of them seem to work. If I try to identify the problems with Vector Doctor, the errors totally occupy the entire image. What am I doing wrong. Can anyone suggest a website that might work or is it just me. Wouldn't be the first time that's for sure.



  • Just a few questions (this is sort of real general and vague) I don't know if you downloaded them, if you did what format did you get, you must have brought them into Carveco, if you didn't you would not have been able to use the vector DR.

    SOOO, if you don't mind what format did you get, are they pictures or dfx files, how are you bringing them into Carveco, are you importing them.

    (smiley face emoji here) If you don't mind a few more specifics.

    1%2) Download a DFX, DWG, Svg, EPS, or a PDF file then use the import up in the menu bar under the "vector" icon.

    3) forgot you had better set your model size first

    4) adjust the size of the vectors to the verified size you need.

    5) ungroup them if they are grouped

    6) verify that they are not a bunch of little lines and curves that you have you join, you do this by selecting each one to make sure they are not broken up, join them if needed.

    7) run the vector dr to make sure your new lines do not cross and you don't have any problem children that you need to use "node" editing on, also make sure you don't have any dupicate vectors (they will screw you up big time bad).

       I think I have laid out what I do when I get new files. I might be missing something because this is all from memory (and sometimes that's kind of shoddy).


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  • Dean,

        Have you given my suggestions a try?


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