
Carveco Maker Activation problem again

I previously wrote about having Maker on my home office and home workshop computers (v1.57).

I went into use the workshop computer but it asked me to activate the software.

When I tried to do so, it tells me there's an error and threw up a code list:

Now I contacted Carveco, they advised what to do , and I did it - it still wont activate.

I think it may be an issue with computers registered on the licence.

So Ive bought a new PC, set it up and it wont activate - the message reads:

{ "code": 2, "message": "HttpException(): 400 - {\"errorMessage\":\"ExceededMachineAllowance\"}", "data": { "AbsoluteUri": "", "Body": "{\"errorMessage\":\"ExceededMachineAllowance\"}", "HttpStatusCode": 400, "Name": "HttpError" } }

is there any way to deactivate or remove computers from the licence from another licenced computer?

I work away some time and cant always be at the computer when Carveco reply, so I need to wait till mondau=y for a response once I send my support request.



  • Thanks Mike , but as I say, I need to deactivate the software without having access to the original computer.

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  • The only other way would be for someone else uninstall the software for you I believe.

    I think you'll have to wait till Monday, which kind of sucks. This isn't like when we had a dongle (a plug in for the usage of artcam on any computer you had it installed on) now you have to wait till someones in the office to do an electronic deactivation.

      There have been many times I just went with something and screwed everything up. I noticed that microsoft added a new user to my computer (I sort of went nuts, my big ssd was filling up so I went and uninstalled one drive tried like mad to get rid of that new user microsoft put there, guess what happened.....I couldn't use carveco, want to talk about going nuts. Said a bunch of naughty words, went to get a new ssd (a bigger one) installed windows most of my other programs and could not use Carveco (bunch more words about microsoft). I could still use Artcam 2015, so I did.

        Dillon helped tremendously, I got everything back and again on my way,  but it was a close call, They have to be careful because there are a bunch of (shall we say not honest people out there). For people like me I'm not out there to cheat anyone, but use what I purchased, I use only one computer at a time (really liked the dongle). Oh well such is life. By the way I get a kick out of what I do, after the fact...........


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  • Thanks Mike.
    I bought a new pc for the workshop , delivered yesterday, so it might be good for a fresh start.

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  • For the benefit of Michael Sherve and anybody else reading this topic, the licensing issue reported by Joseph McCluskey has been resolved.

    Thanks for your time and cooperation.

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