
material set up

Good afternoon! 

Can anyone tell me how to set up a oval work piece in the material set up? It asks for dimensions but doesnt give an option for a oval or round workpiece. Thnks!



  • There isn't any need for an oval setup, go with the setup of "If you want to cut an oval out of some material that has a dimension of 5 inches wide by 12 inches long"

       Your setup is finished, if you have an oval already then add a small amount  to the size all around so your oval fits within the area.

    Hope this helps.


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  • I guess I was looking how to make a oval around a 3D STL I was cutting. When I import the STL it cuts out a square around the piece. How do I turn that into a oval? I guess I should have lead with that question.

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  • In the vector tools select create ellipse, If that doesn't work for you you can always try to node edit to get it around your model too.


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