Cutting acrylic shapes
I would like to cut out acrylic shapes to make a stained glass window. I have the design and downloaded it to Carveco Maker. How do I create the toolpaths?
Are you thinking of cutting out individual shapes? Then gluing them down after you've changed the color?
Or are you thinking of doing a V-grove where the black strips (lines) are?
You know there are wonderful videos that will help you to learn Carveco.
But to get you going. The first step is to bring that baby in (you've done that).
The next step is for you to draw lines (vectors) If you want to V-grove the lines you can do that using the "Profile toolpath", If you want to color the V your there, If you want to cut out individual shape then you are going to need to make closed lines (closed vectors) after you have all the shapes you wish to cut out you will have to place them on a new model (never destroy your work until you don't need it again) place each piece on the material your going to cut it out of spaced far enough away from each other so the end mill will cut it. then make the toolpath with your choice of bits, (me I save all my toolpaths to a jump drive then bring it to my router)
I think I've answered all, if not ask another concerning what I missed.
OH forgot to say thank you. I modeled this before I answered, was fun again thanks.

My wife died in April this year and one of the many jobs I had planned was something special for her.
A stained glass window was one but what you have done is simple amazing I cant thank you enough.
Thank you again. That's exactly what I required. Do you have the G-code for the photo because I would love to make this in wood and acrylic.
Please stay safe.
from a 78 year old from Scotland.
Bill M8-)
Would you like 2 files (they will be reliefs) one just the note the other would be the leaf? or would you just want it all together in one file?
Would it be too much to ask to have the two of the reliefs and the one big file please.
Thank you
Bill M8-)
I'll see what I can do, the are pretty big files, just to let you know.
Bill, I usually don't send files because the get rather big, I went to WeTransfer but they need an email to send the download link too, I you don't mind I need your address.
My email address is *************
Guess what I did for a living ?
Is it my home address in Scotland?
If you didn't get the link here it is:
I think.
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