
Importing SVG without changing the size

I'm new to Maker, coming over from Easel. My process there was doing the design work in Inkscape, then importing the SVG to Easel. (somewhat background relevant that I have an existing product stream that is selling well already, just expanding my tool set). So starting my learning curve with Maker, the first thing I attempted to do was import one of my existing SVGs into Maker to directly compare differences between the two platforms. I was surprised to find out that my SVGs were being auto scaled to the background model. I then found that I needed to disable auto scaling to prevent this from happening. But then my SVG, which is about 6 inches wide in Inkscape and does not change in Easel, is being imported at about 147 inches wide in Maker. Searching for similar questions isn't coming up with anything relevant, just the enable/disable of auto scaling.

The exact dimensions I create in Inkscape are important, and trying to manually rescale SVGs after import is going to be error prone at best. Am I missing something important? Maybe a different interpretation of "unit" between the platforms?


Edit: Exact values:
SVG: 5.817w x 4.077h
Maker: 147.75759w x 103.56299h

I guess the ratio between the two is exactly the ratio between inches and mm. Although both say "inches".

I create a new model and select MM as the default measurement, and it imports the correct size, 147.# x 103.#



  • So that feels like this explains it. Is this a bug that the import has a fixed unit of measurement, rather than using the unit of measure selected for the model?

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  • Mike,

       I usually use jpg's bmp's or something similar very rarely do I ever get an svg, so I have to go by memory. Does Inkscape or Easel allow you to constrain the size of your model, for instance if you make a wine glass can you say it's 3 inches wide by say 5.5 or 6 inches tall? or do they just do as they please with no dimensions? I think if you bring these baby's into carveco and give them dimensions then save them they will come in to what ever size you saved them at on the new of material size you want to play with, I'm hoping my memory serves me good. The difference between Carveco and those other programs, Carveco runs in the family of CAD's where dimensions can be critical (not saying Inkscape or Easel don't or can't)

        So what happens if you bring in your save work from carveco, then bring it back into the others, do they hold to the constraints you placed on them?

       Not wanting to be a problem child I just don't know and am curious.


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  • Hi Michael McIver,

    You did very well disabling the 'auto-scaling' feature. Next, be careful when exporting your vectors from Inkscape that they're in inches, as well as the new Carveco model that it's in inches too. I made a few tests and it worked fine for me..

    If all that is already checked and still doesn't work, maybe you can try export/import in another format, like EPS or DXF. 

    I don't think it's a bug... However, it is confusing when working on different software and units, it is necessary that everything is set under the same units, either inches or mm. (I used to have similar issues when importing from Illustrator.. make your tests)

    Hope you figure this out and get it solved!


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