New Avid EX controller post possessor


I am new to Carveco and CNC in general, I have a new CNC it's an AVID CNC with the new EX-Controller which has an Acorn CNC12 board by Centroid.

I work in MM and I do not know which post-process to use, there is no Avid listed and the Centroid one is only in inches.

your help and guidance would be appreciated   



  • First I use a techno router and they provided the new control software, I believe you would have to get hold of Avid for their post processor, but doing a search I came across this sight

       Now I don't know what is in it or if it would do you anything that's why I said to get a hold of Avid and see if they have a post for what you need. They are the ones who provide the post to Carveco, I believe.


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  • Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the Information, I have contacted Avid directly to see if they have one for Carveco, they have the updated ones for Vectric and Fusion can't know why they wouldn't for Carveco as well, In the meantime, I tried basic G code mm (tap*) that seem to have worked on a basic shape, I ll push the limits and see if it holds up.



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