Add holes inset by fixed distance from corners of uneven shaped vector
Is there a way to add mounting holes a fixed distance in from corners in Carveco Maker? If I had a regularly shaped rectangle, I could use the block and copy function, but I have a non rectangular panel that needs to be attached. Is there an easy way, or even a hard way, to add holes inset from the corners by, say, half an inch? So far, I've placed them by eyeballing, but that's a pain!
I do believe I like you.
Make a copy of your outside vector (the way that has worked for me so you have a reference point) delete all of the other sides move it in 1/2 inch, or whatever then align it with that, if you have multiple first get them to the spacing you need then group them then move to the desired location. The trouble with the align tool is it doesn't align to where the vector is squirreled but to the plain of the vertical area (kind of sucks a little sometimes) sometimes I kind of wish it would align it to the point where they would meet.
For me doing it this way has speed me up and I get what I want without saying grumblies. (naughty words)
Boy am I glad I asked. That was about one tenth the time and far more accurate results. Can't thank you enough!
Awesome, glad I could help.
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