My rotary workpiece does not show the toolpath on the rotary
Whenever I design a rotary workpiece in Carveco, I realize that the design does not show on the rotary. What should I do to let it show or how do I fix this?
Take a look at this video:
It goes over what I think you are wanting.
Hi Gary Smith,
Please save and upload your Carveco Model file (.art) using the free WeTransfer service using their Get transfer link option and then share the generated link when replying here. With this, the Community can investigate your reported issue.
Thanks for your time and cooperation.
Many thanks for your contribution, Michael Sherve.
The demonstration video which you've shared focuses on working in Carveco Maker Version: 1.48 Build: 2023-11-20-1550-d05f8f97 and above; you can find the associated Release Notes on our company website: Carveco - V1.48 Release Notes
It is worth noting that Gary Smith is working in Carveco Version: 1.19 Build: 2020-12-08-1108-618acac0.
Thanks, I didn't know about all that, the version that he has and what version was on the video, I do not have a 4th axis and figured that he might have been a little frustrated, sometimes when I get frustrated I lose some of the ability to focus on things in order to fix them right so I thought the video would help him a ton.
Again thank you.
Hi Gary Smith,
Here is a screenshot of the Profile toolpath in your model calculated and simulated in Carveco Version: 1.56 Build: 2024-09-02-1218-4b2bc7a5:
Please note that you cannot view a wrapped simulation of your calculated Profile toolpath in Carveco Version: 1.19 Build: 2020-12-08-1108-618acac0 in the way shown in the screenshot above. The ability to do so was introduced in Carveco Version: 1.48 Build: 2023-11-20-1550-d05f8f97; you can find the associated Release Notes on our company website: Carveco - V1.48 Release Notes
In your supplied screenshot, you have both the 3D View toolbar's Toggle Material Block Visibility and Toggle Simulation Visibility buttons toggled on, as shown below:
Please click the 3D View toolbar's Toggle Material Block Visibility and Toggle Simulation Visibility buttons to toggle them off, leaving only the Toggled Rotary/Flat button toggled on.
You should then expect to view your calculated Profile toolpath in the 3D View correctly, just as shown below:
Thanks for your time and consideration.
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