How to create a boundary around vectors
I am assisting someone with learning about CNCing and they are using Carveco while I am familiar with VCarve. VCarve has an option to create a boundary around selected vectors which I generally use when I have multiple vectors that I am trying to position on a workpiece. This allows me to know if I need to shift my origin in order to get them to fit.
Does Carveco have anything similar as I am unable to find it?
Not wanting to be a butt head but your request seems a little odd. What year did Artcam come out into the market? What year did Vcarve enter, same? Ever noticed that the lay-out of both software's are similar, if indeed you have both available for your viewing?
Only 3 questions.
There is a point to this, and it is to point out Artcam ie. Carveco has been in the market a lot longer, not bashing Vcarve one bit just say the facts. And if you are assisting someone learn Carveco. Which variety are you looking at? You never did say. Have you ever looked at YouTube? There are a lot of great videos there, but you come here with the assumption that Vcarve has something Carveco does not. I find this interesting. If you had the software in front of you, you could turn on "Helps" if needed, then you could run down all the icons or go up to the menu bar, or you or they could have come to the sight and found helpful videos. Ever since some snarky clown went on to the Artcam forum years ago I have had a bad taste in my mouth with anything vectric. You should really try not to be clever in trying to advertise their software on someone else's forum.
I really am trying not to be snarky but.......... look here for more info, I did a little research for you. By the way sorry for the grumpy way of putting this, I have had my limits pushed by people who try to belittle by say so and so has it, and or so and so can afford a new cnc, or so and so only charges $ when you charge $$ but is their work is up to mine.
After all everyone is looking for a software that would do it all for them (would be nice, right?). You will find even in that other software your vectors would be better if you were to draw them yourself, you would have fewer nodes, your cuts would be cleaner, that means less chisel work, less sanding, less corrections, less re-dos.
I'll leave you to search youtube for your answer, I believe it's there.
Yes, Carveco has a “Bounding Box” feature. Select your vectors, go to the “Vector” menu, and choose “Bounding Box.” It helps visualize and adjust vector positioning on your workpiece.
Michael Sherve All I can say is Wow!! Hope that you feel better getting that out of your system but really don't know why I am the target.
Where do you gather from my question that I am alluding to the fact that one piece of software is better than the other or the assumption that "Vcarve has something that Carveco does not". I have been involved in all kinds of software for long enough to know that there is no such thing as a "perfect" piece of software. All have their strengths and weaknesses and the likeability depends on the individual user's needs and taste. All I said is that I am more familiar with one than the other and am looking for a little guidance. That's it. So I really don't see the need for you to get as you aptly said, snarky and grumpy. Thought that the reason for communities like this was to share information and give guidance.
Granted - I did not say which version I am using - Maker 1.54 but I did check help, and Google search but didn't see anything, hence coming to this forum. BTW, the Youtube video link doesn't work for me.
Anyhow, thanks @gwennadf. I checked the Vector menu and the only Boundaries options that I see are Create -> Relief Boundary and Clip Vectors to Boundaries.
Appreciate any further guidance.
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