Running toolpath is backward
Hi folks,
I’m just starting with my Onefinity Foreman Elite, but learning. Getting used to working with Carveco Maker. I’ve been using Sketchup for years so I’m used to CAD programs. I’ve made several projects and they came out great. However, I’m running into an issue when I go to cut the toolpath. When I set up the file, I set the origin to the lower left corner and I work from there. When I set up the cut, I home the machine and then probe the material. Get everything ready and hit start. The spindle moves into position and comes up to speed, but instead of moving out into the material area, it moves forward. I’ve got something backward. What am I missing?
Thsanks for any input you may have.
Out of curiosity,
In the techno I use if I have the start point on my model wrong my machine goes the opposite way. for example if my starting point is in the upper left but I start my machine in the lower left of the machine I have all sorts of problems it heads the wrong way. I always try and start my models in the upper left, once in a while I'll do the center, but not much. I zero in the same place and start the machine in the same place (though here recently I didn't, started and it went whaaam hit the travil limits like mad) and I always place my material in the same location. In the control software you have to set it the same as in "maker". Though I haven't a clue how your control software works.
Did I hear you right?
I figured it out. I know at some point, I set the origin to the lower left. The file wasn't too complicated, so I started from scratch and the very first thing I did was set the origin to the lower left. I recreated the file and it worked fine. I'm going to start doing that FIRST on every project.
Up in the menu bare (don't know if maker has this but) you have the word "model" you can open that go down to where you can "set size" if you click it you can reset the "origin" there you have 5 locations to pick from so you don't need to redo the file.
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