Small holes become squares
When I try to machine small holes using circles and a profile cut, I am getting squares or triangles. They look right on the .art file, and they look right in the simulation in Carveco Maker, but they don't cut properly. I have tried running my g-code in nc viewer, and it shows that the cuts are square or triangular.
This problem occurred suddenly after several projects where the holes cut correctly. What am I doing wrong? BTW, the drawings are .dxf files generated by TurboCAD. It has always worked before.
What's your model resolution?, and your tolerances in your toolpath? Make them as high or as good as you can. Try not to save computer storage space.
Hi Thaddeus B Reynolds,
Please confirm the:
In addition, as suggested by Michael Sherve, please share screenshots showing your current toolpath settings when replying. Better still, if possible, please share your Carveco Model file (.art). You could use the free WeTransfer service to upload your Carveco Model file (.art) and generate a link which you can then include within your post when replying.
The Tolerance specified when calculating your toolpaths could well be the underlying cause of your reported issue, and we suggest checking that it is set to 0.001" if you're working in imperial units. You might find the following demonstration video useful: Toolpath Tolerance
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Thank you Mike! You were correct. The problem was the tolerance. Looking back, I think this started when the cat sat on my keyboard.
I really appreciate your help!
My pleasure.
I remember doing things and can't quite figure out how that came to be, always enjoyable when someone doesn't do the snide's. I can't help it when I'm ignorant so I try not to do the nasties.
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