
Help with Creating a 3D Model in Carveco

Hi everyone,

I am new to Carveco and could use some help. I am  trying to learn how to create a 3D model from a 2D image. Can anyone share some tips or resources that might help?

Thanks in advance! :)



  • What I do is I make a new model (basic size of the material I'll be using) then I use the import option in the relief menu to import it, by the way I always bring the model resolution to the max (like I said my way) I allow the program to make a vector out line (if there are a multitude of vectors I ungroup them to get rid of all but the photo out line (2d image) Too much info is a distraction.) I then proceed to figure out what I want to do.

        It all depends on the image what is done to finish, and what part of the program you have (I cheat I have the full meal deal).

    Do you want steps on how to do a flower, a tree, a dog, a mountain, a face...  Each of these would require different steps.

      If you had multiple different images in the image then you will have to do this on a lot of different layers or new models so you can keep those for future use.

       I hope I didn't send a swirly to your head (I sometimes do that)


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  • Thank you very much Michael Sherve

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  • Cassie,

      What are you trying to model?

       Would gladly help more if I could. Have been using Artcam long before it became Carveco. The program is super simple to use (not like Rhino, though I play with that also).

        Sometime I run out of things to do, so helping others is enjoyable.


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