
Choosing correct toolpaths and bits

Good day, I'm working in Carveco Maker and trying to machine logos and letters on acrylic sheets such that they stand out to be used on embossing leather. I'm having some trouble in getting clean cuts. The below letters are font 17, total area, 45mm x 13mm. I used a 3.125mm End Mill, 0.1mm 20deg Conical Flat and a 0.5mm End Mill. The 3.125 is the first and it eats into the A for example. Using the 0.5mm alone will mean that the job will take forever.



  • By the way what toolpath have you run?

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  • I routinely use cutters as small as .004" (.1mm) to sharpen up the detail that I program, and the best way I have found to address this issue is to create an offset vector around the letters that allows you to use the larger tool for material removal and still stay away from the lettering itself.  For instance, offset the lettering .020" and then use the new vector as the boundary for the large cutter.  Once that is finished, use the same vector as the outer border and just machine the lettering area with the small cutter.  It saves a bunch of time and preserves the detail and the small corners much better.

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