Rapid Rate
One tutorial mentions "rapid rate" as in input to calculate time scale factor. What is this and where can it be found for a General CNC?
Okay. No response. I pursued this by simply running my machine at a couple of different feed rates and did the TSC calculations. Results seemed to make sense and the time predictions were reasonably accurate. Good enough for now!
Hi Joe Jackowski,
Please read the following knowledge base article: What are your business hours?
Please confirm the exact model of your General CNC machine. If you require details from the specification for your CNC machine, including the recommended rapid rate, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer directly.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
"One tutorial mentions "rapid rate" as in input to calculate time scale factor. What is this and where can it be found for a General CNC?"
If you pull up your Project menu [F6], go down to toolpaths, and select the third icon, you will see the 'toolpath summary information' window. You can set your rapid rate and modifying values here to get your machining time. I believe your "rapid rate" is the maximum speed your CNC can travel and is determined by the manufacturer.
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
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