
Cutting new material to a specific thickness

Is there a way in Carveco Maker to mill material so that the processed stock becomes a specific thickness?

eg: mill a 2.xy inch stock to 2 inches, where .x will change based on the specific piece of wood being machined. 






  • I'm not 100% sure I'm on the same page Greg, but I'd probably set my material up at say 2.5" (or the max thickness material you have) and always set my z zero at the spoilboard so the measurement for thickness is from the bottom rather than the top (which will change based on different material). Like this in the software:

    Then here I'm using an Area Clear to do a pocket and entering a 0.5" finish depth so it machines down to 2" and you also have to make sure Home and Safe Z are above the thickness of material since you are setting 0 at the bottom:

    Then when you machine this, it will always come down to 2" thickness as you can see with this pocket:

    You should be able to switch material and use the same file because the datum is on the spoilboard. Although, if you put some material on that is only 2.1" in thickness then it will do a bit of air cutting to start with so you may have to adjust the stepdown. Or maybe have a couple of different g-codes depending on the thickness?

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  • Thanks very much. You have understood my request and provided a detailed response....much appreciated.

    I will try this over the weekend.

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