Novizio - come immettere altezza del mio progetto - cambio fresa
buongiorno, sono diciamo un novizio, vorrei sapere due cose :
- ho impostato un progetto, immettendo le dimensioni di x ed y, l'altezza del
materiale da lavorare, cioè la z, quando e come si immette?
- come si effettua il cambio fresa, viene dato un comando nel programma per cui la cnc si ferma in un certo punto (origine della lavorazione?) , successivamente come si riavvia?
scusatemi ma sono alle prime armi.
grazie a chi mi aiuta........Pasquale
Pasquale Caputo wrote: "I set up a project, entering the dimensions of x and y, the height of the material to be machined, i.e. the z, when and how is it entered?"
In your open model, select the Toolpaths > Material Setup menu option to display the Material Setup dialog, type the Z value equivalent to your stock material's thickness in the Material Thickness box, then click OK.
Pasquale Caputo wrote: "how to change the cutter, a command is given in the program for which the cnc stops at a certain point (origin of the machining?), then how does it restart?"
This depends on the manufacturer and model of your CNC machine, which post processor option you've selected from the Save Toolpaths dialog's Machine file format list when saving your toolpaths from Carveco Maker, and which machine controller you're using; note that Carveco Maker is not a machine controller.
If your CNC machine does not have a tool changer and you want to return to the Home position prior to manually changing your tool, ensure that the Save Toolpaths dialog's Save toolpaths to separate files and Add Home move at end of files check boxes are selected when saving your calculated toolpaths.
Please watch the demonstration videos available from our Carveco Training portal, as they should answer almost all of your questions:
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