Using jpg's in a project
Hello all,
New to Carveco Maker (Very New) and CNC Woodworking in general.
I'd like to take a jpg image (for instance a simple cat clipart or a work logo) and convert to a vector. I'd like to use these as a part of a project with other vectors such as Text, Borders etc...
I'm not sure how to do that...When I import a jpg into Carveco Maker it opens a new model and the model size seems to stay dependent on the size I set for the image. I played w/ Easel and they have the "image trace". Is there such a thing in Carveco.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions or direction. There's a lot in Carveco Maker to learn...I just haven't run into this yet in any of the tutorials I've seen
Hi Sam Doverspike,
Please watch the following demonstration video available from our Carveco Training portal: Tracing Images
If you have any further questions or requests, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
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