
tool icon list

It would make learning curve a bit easier if a list of tool icons and brief on what they do. Using the Columbus method (find and island and land on lt is vey time consuming. Still trying to figure out the difference between "New Model and New Project " they seem the same to me. 



  • New Model is for flat (2.5D) models as would be made by sign makers (for example) or flip models (as would be done by jewelers when making pendants). New Project would be used for 3D rotary models (as would be used by jewelers doing rings or bangles). They really are quite different not only in what they can do but also in how they are used.

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  • Evonne Sawyer wrote: "It would make learning curve a bit easier if a list of tool icons and brief on what they do."

    Each of the tools and menu options within Carveco software is documented in the Reference Help, which is displayed by selecting the Help > Reference Help menu option in your Carveco software; the Reference Help is also searchable.

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    Barry Goodman in New Project one can do flat and rotary.
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  • Here (pic attached) are the tools available in New Project. You do not have these tools in New Model. As I said jewelers would use New Project to do rings and bangles but others could use it to make turned models (such as table legs) as well.



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