Position (Z) of vectors in 3D view

Now vectors in the 3D view are positioned floating at some height above a model so that when you twiddle the model the vectors appear to shift out of alignment with the model. I would like to see the vectors sitting on the models surface so that when you twiddle the model the vectors remain in place.



  • Barry,

    What Draw Plane option are you using in the 3D Graphics Options panel's Vectors settings?

    My guess is that you have it set as Top of Material.


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  • Hi Gary,

    I have it set to the default (Base Plane). The funny thing is, I spoke to Scott Ingram years ago about this and he said that he liked the idea I put forth. I gather from your question that I could do otherwise and have the vectors positioned differently. If so what would that do to my machining?

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  • Barry,

    It's a view location in Z of your vectors. Try it, but of course you must have the material setup to use top of material.


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  • Not sure if I understand but I set it to top of material and there was no difference.

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  • Barry Goodman wrote: "Not sure if I understand but I set it to top of material and there was no difference."

    As I noted above, you must have material thickness set up to place vectors at top of material, otherwise they don't move.


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  • How do you set material thickness? Seems to me I remember seeing something about a material thickness setting as thickness of the model but that's a vague recollection. I have been using ArtCAM for a long time and never did anything with a material thickness adjustment. How do I do it and what effect does it have on modeling and milling (if any)?

    Thanks for your help and patience with me.

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  • Barry,

    I'm surprised for the number of years you've used ArtCAM that this is just coming to lite, but then you are in jewelry.

    Anyway, you set the Material Thickness either during the toolpath creation process (look for the Click to define material option below the Safe Z options in the toolpath's Options settings) or by using the Toolpath > Material Setup menu option.

    Material thickness doesn't necessarily equal the model thickness. For example, a raised relief (raised proud of the base) maybe 0.6250" but the material your cutting from may be 1.5" as with this image the relief height is from the texture but the material thickness is 1.5" to match the door.

    Of course, the opposite is recessed into the material or match the material thickness. For example, a relief in a dish, a simple v-carve, or maybe and inlay, you get the picture.

    No effect on the modeling except for relation of relief height to zero plane and it changes the g-code output depending on where you are zeroed out as to the code being a plus or minus in Z.


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  • I should note that about the only time I put the vectors at top of material is when I have a scan that has an uneven base height, which needs to be leveled to consistent height all the way around.


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  • Hi Gary,

    Thanks for the detailed explanation. I will take a closer look in the morning. I must admit though that I am a bit concerned that this will have an impact on my milling. What I have been doing for so long works and is second nature for me now. As you know, I do jewellery so it's a bit different from what you are doing. I am cutting wax that is suspended in space. Nothing is below the Z = 0 level on the front of the model and nothing is above Z = 0 on the back. Any way, I will experiment a bit and see if these settings work for me and do what I would like to have vs-a-vie the vector location on the model.

    Thanks again and I will let you know how I make out.

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  • Barry,

    You've gotta go with what works for you. Sure, have a play and try it the wood workers way (shoot poetry now).

    To get a better understanding, I was only pointing out that you can view the vectors at the top of material providing you have material set up, but in your case you are not using the material settings.


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  • Hi Gary,

    I tried what you suggested and it did change where the vectors are in relation to the model but it did not accomplish what I am after. The vectors still move out of alignment with the model when you twiddle the model, now, it moves under the model, it is not ON the model.

    Thanks for trying to help though.

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  • Barry do I understand you correctly, would you like to see the vectors projected on the relief, rather than on a plane? I'd like this too!

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  • Yes, that's exactly what I would like. Thanks for your support on this.

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