What's the community?

Your Help Centre community consists of posts and comments organised by topic. Posts might include tips, feature requests, or questions. Comments might include observations, clarifications, praise, or any other response that's part of a typical community discussion. Please don't confuse topics with articles. In the community, topics are top-level containers for posts.

You can use search or you can browse the topics and posts using views and filters. See How can I find information in your Help Centre?

Each person in the community has their own Help Centre profile, so all community members can get to know one another better. See How do I edit my community profile? Profiles contain relevant information about the community member, along with their activities and contributions to the community. Profiles also give each community member the option to follow another user and get notifications when that user makes a post or comment.



  • Welcome to the Carveco Help Centre and Community!

    I hope that all Carveco software users find this site to be a valuable resource in learning about Carveco software, and in getting to know our company staff and your peers. Content will be added on an ongoing basis, and we are committed to growing this site into a one-stop, self-service hub for all your support requirements.

    Thanks to all of you for choosing Carveco. I look forward to engaging with you here and across our other support platforms long into the future.

    Kindest regards,


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  • Hi Dillon, good to see your avatar again

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  • Hi Barry,

    It's great to have you with us as part of the community, and I'm so pleased to hear that you've chosen to upgrade from ArtCAM JewelSmith 2012 to Carveco.

    Is there any particular reason why you've not included a photo or image in your community profile? For details, see the How do I edit my community profile? knowledge base article.

    Kindest regards,


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  • Just did not get around to it, will eventually.

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  • The avatar was worth the wait! 😂

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