
Post processor edit

I have a problem with the post-processor. If I copy a post-processor from the "posts" folder and save the modified version with a different name, Carveco doesn't recognize it when I'm saving the G-code. Even if I delete a post-processor from the "postp" folder, it still shows up somewhere in Carveco. What is the correct procedure to get Carveco to recognize a new post-processor? I've restarted Carveco several times.




1 comment
  • I found old ArtCAM manuals for PP:

    Location of files
    The post processor configuration files will be stored in a sub-directory called postp, below the directory in which ArtCAM was originally installed. Change to the specified directory and copy the configuration file you wish to use as a starting point for your new post processor to a new file. e.g. copy the file
    fanuc.con to new_mc.con. NOTE: Remember to change the “DESCRIPTION” statement within the file to ensure it is displayed with a different name to the original. If creating a new file from scratch just create the file as a plain text file. To display the new post processor, ArtCAM will need to be restarted as the list of post processors is built when the program starts up. However, any edits you make to the file will be effective immediately as the post processor configuration file is reloaded each time a file is postprocessed.

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