
Hole size incorrect?

I am putting a hole in the back of a plaque for a magnet. The magnet is .470" dia by .108" deep. In Carveco Maker, I draw a .470" circle and center it on the work-piece. I choose the Profile toolpath and select to machine inside. With a .250" End Mill I create the toolpath. When I cut out the magnet hole it is only .440 dia and only .095 deep. I have completed the whole process twice with the same result. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,




  • Hi Tom Gustafson,

    Without access to your Carveco Model file (.art), we cannot identify any potential issues with your vector artwork and it is impossible to check your toolpath settings. Please save and upload your Carveco Model file (.art) using the free WeTransfer service using their Get transfer link option, and then share the generated link when replying here.

    When replying, please confirm the manufacturer and model of your CNC machine, the controller you're using alongside it, and the exact name of the post processor option which you're currently selecting from the Save Toolpaths dialog's Machine file format list when saving your calculated toolpaths from Carveco Maker.

    In addition, when posting, please make use of screenshots to illustrate your reported issue. If you're not familiar with capturing screenshots, please review the following Microsoft support article: Use Snipping Tool to capture screenshots

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

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  • Here is the transfer link and the screenshot of the project. I have a FoxAlien CNC and am using UGS g-code.

    When I cut the magnet hole, it is under size and not to depth.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.


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  • Hi Tom Gustafson,

    Many thanks for sharing your Hole .470 dia .106 file.

    If you haven't done so already, please watch the following demonstration video available from our Carveco Training portal: Profile

    While you've selected the Add Lead In / Out Moves check box when creating your Profiling toolpath named Magnet hole, you haven't specified any length for the lead moves; the Distance (D) is set to zero. If you do not want to include lead moves, deselect the Add Lead In / Out Moves check box and re-calculate your toolpath. Otherwise, complete your settings and re-calculate your toolpath.

    Regarding your reported incorrect machining depth, note that you've set both your Safe Z and Home Z at 0.74925" when creating your toolpath. We recommend changing both the Home Z and Safe Z to 0.2" and then re-calculating your toolpath, as we've received reports of irregular results on FoxAlien CNC machines when higher values have been used.

    Regarding your reported incorrect machining diameter, please check that you aren't using a 6mm diameter tool rather than a 0.25" diameter tool. We anticipate that doing so could result in the .440" diameter which you've reported.

    In addition, before machining again, please ensure that there are no loose screws or fastenings on your FoxAlien CNC machine

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

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