
Random gcode errors while in progress

Hi all, I have recently been getting a fault code which can happen at different gcode lines where it cannot see the first letter in the code and pauses the machine movement, checked the console at that particular line and it is complete, if the machine is restarted from beginning the fault doesn't appear at the same line and could be any other random line, also when machining it will say machine a hole and then at a random time move off in a straight line into model, the line always seems to be in the Y axis and can start at any depth.



  • Hi Robert Liptrott,

    Please confirm the manufacturer and model of your CNC machine, the controller you're using alongside it, and the exact name of the post processor option you're currently selecting from the Save Toolpaths dialog's Machine file format list when saving your calculated toolpaths from Carveco Maker.

    Rather than describing an error or fault code you've encountered, please capture and share a screenshot of it when replying in this topic. If you're not familiar with capturing screenshots, please review the following Microsoft support article: Use Snipping Tool to capture screenshots

    Finally, please upload your Carveco Model file (.art) using the free WeTransfer service's Get a link option, and then post the generated link when replying in this topic. That way, we can retrieve your Carveco Model file (.art) and check your toolpath settings for any irregularities.

    Thanks for your time and cooperation.

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  • WeTransfer Link;

    Machine is a Fox Alien Vasto with supplied controller

    Machine file format - Grbl (mm) (*.gcode)

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  • Hi Robert Liptrott,

    Many thanks for sharing the requested information, your Very small box Butterfly releif finishing v3.gcode file and your screenshot captured from Universal Gcode Sender.

    When using Universal Gcode Sender as your machine controller, please select the UGS GRBL (mm) (*.gcode) option from the Save Toolpaths dialog's Machine file format list when saving your calculated toolpaths from Carveco Maker, and then load the resulting .gcode file into Universal Gcode Sender.

    Please confirm your results when replying in this topic. Thanks again for your time and cooperation.

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