Dave Zimbrich
New to Carveco Maker and also new to SainSmart ProVerXL 4030. I have a lot of CNC experience as I work for a German automation manufacturer which included CNC in the product line. Learning the GRBL dialect as I go...
Make sure you do not have the offline touch screen connected while using a PC (e.g. Candle). You cannot have both connected at the same time.
I have contacted Sainsmart Support but they were of no help. Do you have, or know where I can download a tool database (.tdb) file for the RR20A Burr Bit set from Sainsmart? Set: https://www.sainsm...
This is what I am seeing:
I am having the same problem. I have some simple text using "New Times Roman" and all of my "G" letters and "8" have "coincident point" errors and will not let me make a toolpath. I have watched al...
That format was actually the first one I tried, but I will try it again. It also gave me error: 33 in multiple blocks. Thanks!
I should have added that the G-Code program makes three (3) passes on the material and it does not give the error 33 consistently. Sometimes I get a complete toolpath run and have no errors but the...
I am using the "Grbl (mm) (*.gcode)" selection from the pulldown menu in the "Save Toolpaths" window. I then copy the .gcode file to my other PC running GRBL (Candle) and rename it *.nc (maybe this...