Jennifer Dunn
Hi Mark, Merge Low is similar to an Intersection Boolean tool, keeping the areas that overlap with other areas, so in your case, it kept your shape where it intersected with material below 0. Send ...
Hi Mike, Be careful with Merge Low, it has a very specific use and worked because you are in the negative. The stretched relief was just in the steps, once you click Apply, it will double in height...
Hi Mark, You will need to create an Extrude. Design the profile shape / cross section to include to curve and edges for depth (create a 3 sided vector of the side view), then a center line vector f...
Hi Joseph, I worked with ArtCAM JewelSmith for many years, the functionality from JS is available in in the full Carveco version. The full Carveco is like a mix of Pro and JS and for years they’ve ...
Hi William, Can you include the full error? With more details on the exact wording, we might be able to help. Thanks, Jen
Hey Michael, Lets have an update on your dogs That's impressive sculpting time, a dog head in 60-90 minutes! they do say, practice makes perfect
very nice, I'll take a look at it, i know someone who might interested
Michael, How do you like the Huion? Does it have the same capability as the Wacom, is it pressure senstive when sculpting? looks like a good find!
Michael Buckley Did you get a fancy Wacom screen???? I'm so jealous :) What kind is it? Jen
Happy New Year to all :)