Leighton Ashcroft
Fair enough Frank, its just I've never seen a CNC that needs feed rates on every single line otherwise it slows down. We don't have any posts in Carveco that do this and I cant recall ever having ...
No need to apologise Frank. The reason those feed rate moves are not on every line is because it should always stay constant until the next time that a F command is mentioned in the code, this cou...
Hi Frank, could you elaborate a bit please? What do you exactly mean that the cutting speed varies? I'm reading this as it starts cutting with a feed rate of say 100mm/min and then changes to 500...
Hi Carey. Could you post a link to the tutorial you are referring to in Easel please? I'd like to see it. This is something on my list of tutorials to do, but I've just have not had a chance to do ...
I'm not 100% sure I'm on the same page Greg, but I'd probably set my material up at say 2.5" (or the max thickness material you have) and always set my z zero at the spoilboard so the measurement f...
Try setting your Tolerance back to 0.001" and they should go back to being smooth.
Leon, how long should it take to carve? I think support were suggesting to slow it down to rule out any issues with the software. The simulation looks fine so normally in that case the problem li...
Nice Mike, good work!
Completely understand, it has hit everyone hard! Just because you don't have maintenance doesn't mean you cant be part of the community Evonne ;)
Couple of things add to this. Have you tried setting up your material again? Also, that tolerance looks to be extremely high, try setting it back to the default, think it is 0.025"