
getting strange results when calculating toolpath

I am trying to learn the Carveco software (Maker version) Following a Carveco catch all bowl tutorial I get to the point where the clear out toolpath is calculated and instead of smooth passes around the bowl at the ends that are round, I get straight lines that don't look like it would give a smooth cut. Just a side note when switching the view to 2D it looks normal. I appreciate any and all help thanks, Daryl. 



  • Try setting your Tolerance back to 0.001" and they should go back to being smooth.

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  • Leighton Ashcroft That cured the problem looks as it does in the tutorial thank you very much.

    Now if you wouldn't mind rather than just take the info and run, what does the tolerance control. If there is info on here that you can point me to or provide a brief explanation as I said I am actually trying to learn this software. again, thanks for the help

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