Save Toolpaths
Hi. I'm new to Carveco Maker.
I just saved a toolpath. Now, where did it save to so I can send it to my machine?
The easiest way to find it is to go save it (or anything) again and look at the path where it is going to be saved. If you can't do that then just go into your "File Explorer" and search for the name in the top right corner at the end of the file path bar. This is assuming you are using Windows. If you are using a Mac I can't help.
Hi Robert Marshall,
Please watch the following demonstration video included in our Carveco Fundamentals training course: Saving Toolpaths
The location in which you've last saved a calculated toolpath from Carveco Maker is shown in the Save Toolpaths dialog's Save in list. You can browse to the location on your computer in which you last saved a calculated toolpath by clicking the Save Toolpaths dialog's Browse button.
Please complete the Carveco Fundamentals training course available on our company website.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Thanks guys.
I did find the files after I posted.
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