Resource for adding bits

Can someone offer direction in where I can find articles or videos for adding bits to my library?  I have found multiple articles and some YouTube videos that I have watched but they have all been directed more towards someone who has some working knowledge of CNC.  I have some basic, inexpensive bits that I've purchased from places like Amazon and such but they don't have websites that offer importing of information.  I need something that would be literally as basic as "Tool Bits for Dummies".   Thanks for any help that someone can offer.



  • Here is some lists that Legacy suggests.

    3leg bowl bed set fast start flat stock hollow spiral Pro CNC    
    285B 241 285B 285B 285B 285B 2ea 285B 231  
    468 808 290 706 706 810 717 265  
    708 7592 708 717 717 7503 761 805  
    1210 S7803 2025 810 2104 7507 807 1207  
        5567 2104 2704 7552 808 3936  
        7671 2704     810 7502  
          3952     1274 7564  
          7551     1278    
          7581     2104    
                2ea 2704 Rick 9094685747  
                7501 Magnate  
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  • Noob,

       How about getting the diameter of an example (one bit) pasting it here, it isn't really hard to bring in bits so you can add them to your library of bits to use., I will give you step by step example how to add.


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