GRBL Error 33 in G-Code
I am new to both Carveco Maker and have a new SainSmart ProVerXL 4030 as well so I have some basic issues.
I have created a new workpiece in Carveco Maker and have saved the Toolpath as GBRL G-Code format. When I run it on GRBL to the ProVerXL 4030, I am getting "error 33" in some of the G2 and G3 commands. I have read in other forums that this could be due to rounding errors or decimal precision but cannot find a place to set the decimal precision in either Carveco Maker or in GRBL.
Any help is most appreciated.
Dave Z
Hi Dave,
Welcome to the Community! Please confirm the exact name of the post processor option you're selecting from the Save Toolpaths dialog's Machine file format list when saving your toolpaths from Carveco Maker, and whether you're using Candle alongside your SainSmart Genmitsu PROVerXL 4030 machine.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
I am using the "Grbl (mm) (*.gcode)" selection from the pulldown menu in the "Save Toolpaths" window. I then copy the .gcode file to my other PC running GRBL (Candle) and rename it *.nc (maybe this is my problem?).
GRBL (Candle) is the software provided by SainSmart and what I am using to control my ProVerXL 4030.
Dave Z
I should have added that the G-Code program makes three (3) passes on the material and it does not give the error 33 consistently. Sometimes I get a complete toolpath run and have no errors but then the next pass after the Z axis lowers, I will get instances of error 33 in multiple blocks. So I am a bit confused as to why it calculates correct arcs on one pass and then issues an error 33 on the next pass.
Hi Dave,
Many thanks for your response.
If you're working in metric units, please try selecting the Sainsmart 3018 PROver (mm) (*.tap) post processor option from the Save Toolpaths dialog's Machine file format list, and then loading the resulting toolpath file (*.tap) into Candle.
Thanks again for your time and cooperation.
That format was actually the first one I tried, but I will try it again. It also gave me error: 33 in multiple blocks.
I'm having the same thing happing to a sainsmart 4030
I have tried to use in 3018 and still getting a code33 what could this be?
Make sure you do not have the offline touch screen connected while using a PC (e.g. Candle). You cannot have both connected at the same time.
Ok, I found that out
But I still get a code 33 from the post processor
I don’t know why?
Hi Victor Wolf,
As already confirmed here, a modified post processor was sent to you for testing on January 4th 2022 in Support Request #7231.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
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