
z slice problem

after i downloaded i cant get past the z slice i always left it automatic and never had a problem now i cant simulate any toolpaths this is the error i get



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  • Hi Christopher,

    Your post has been escalated to a support request by Carveco Support, and your ticket number is #2265.

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  • Couple of things add to this.  Have you tried setting up your material again?  Also, that tolerance looks to be extremely high, try setting it back to the default, think it is 0.025"

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  • that is the default it gave me so i am not sure the workaround was to add a negative number however i am not sure if this is what i should have done considering i have no idea what the heck im doing or what the z slices is unless this means how many slices it takes before it reaches its final depth


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  • Christopher,

    What happens if you put a - in front of 0.25466? so it would reflect -0.25466 in the last slice "Z". because right now the way you have it it's not going to cut unless you change the "0" at the "start/surface Z" to reflect it being higher than the end result, since you want to remove material. Doing what I suggest will correct both of your flags (I assume), shoot giver a try any way.


       A little clue for you also my tolerance in my toolpaths are .001 this way the tool (end mill, both the flat and ball end) will follow the vectors and my design models more closely and reflect what I want, a nice clean model in wood. Also the allowances should be down to .02" since you are using inches.



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  • Oh one more thing for you in saving your toolpaths make sure you include the size of your end mills and if its a ball end or a flat, you don't want to years from now (like 10 days) forget what it was you cut it out with then have to try to remember, because it just ain't going to happen.


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  • Thank both of you this helps alot as i am new to this.

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